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Signal Sight Line Clearance

Signal sight line clearance

Signal sight line clearance on railways is the minimum distance required between the signals and any obstructions in the area to ensure that the signal is clearly visible to the train driver. This is important for safe and efficient train operations.

The signal sight line clearance is typically measured as a horizontal distance from the center of the track to the nearest obstruction, such as a tree, building, or other structure. The required distance may vary depending on factors such as the speed of the train, the curvature of the track, and the design of the signal itself.

In general, the signal sight line clearance must be sufficient to ensure that the signal can be seen and identified by the train driver from a distance that allows them to safely stop the train before reaching the signal if necessary. This distance is determined based on the stopping distance of the train, which depends on factors such as the speed of the train, the weight of the train, and the condition of the track.

Railway operators are responsible for ensuring that the signal sight line clearance is adequate for safe train operations. This may involve regular inspections of the track and surrounding area to identify and remove any obstructions that could affect signal visibility. Additionally, railway operators may use advanced technologies such as laser scanning and digital mapping to assess the signal sight line clearance and identify any areas that require improvement.

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