Phone No.

01904 403 322

Email Address


Unit E2 Commerce Way, Mboro TS6 6UR


Our services

Maintenance of lineside vegetation

Services typically include, tree removal, tree crown reduction, bush removal, weed control, felling hazardous trees and cleaning railroads, pathways, motorways and power lines.

Herbicide application and weed control

SEP Culant have been the number one choice when it comes to water based vegetation management due to the difficulties that these situations may cause. As we are all arboriculture specialists, this is a service that we are able to offer to the highest of standards.

Ecological surveys

We are now working on complex structures and completing the most demanding projects with this service. We have carried out PPE inspection and Wind Turbine maintenance across the UK with zero lost time or injuries.

Maintenance and clearance – in and around structures, track, signals and level crossings

We have worked across the UK, predominately in Middlesbrough and the North East of England, delivering commercial vegetation services to businesses.

Emergency response works

SEP Culant are a IRATA member who are audited by an independent third party auditor to ensure that it has correct procedures and systems in place, to ensure that industrial rope access is carried out in a safe manner.

Signal sight line clearance

SEP Culant have successfully delivered our on rail vegetation management services across the U.K, working on multi million pound projects and achieving no lost time injuries.

Tree and shrub planting

SEP Culant offer a commercial rope access painting and blasting service, usually carried out on the outside of buildings in order to protect their structure. This service is used to protect the building from extreme weather conditions or fire proofing the building.

Felling, pruning, stump treatment, crown reduction, dealing with hazardous, dead and dying trees

We are known for minimising risk before a tree becomes problematic and causes risk to infrastructure, properties and life.

Chipping and mulching

SEP Culant have seen a rise in demand for this service in and around the North East due to the rise of modern commercial properties being developed. Prefabricated cladding and glazing panels are now more commonly used to form facades and non-loading bearing curtain calling of frame structures.

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